ScriptEase II and Platform Independent Story Creation Using High-Level Game Design Patt... - 0 views
Garrett Eastman on 08 Sep 12Abstract: "As the video game industry grows, both developers and cre- ative authors are seeking new ways to convert story content into scripting code, which is often a difficult process dur- ing game creation. ScriptEase II provides a solution to this common bottleneck in the games design process. Although the goals are similar to the goals of ScriptEase, ScriptEase II is able to generate code for any game engine with a provided translator. It utilizes high-level game design patterns such as cause-effect and quest patterns which can be abstracted between most games. In addition, ScriptEase II further en- hances the use of these patterns with a simple drag-and-drop interface. The generality of the code generation has been tested using two different game engines, and it can be used to further test the benefits of using high-level game design patterns in content creation."